Mary's KampotCambodia blog

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Well If I had a lot of time on my hands I would spend more time looking at the sunsets here or anywhere else. If you see my photos most of them are of kids(any kids) and sunsets. I think that is one of the nicest times of days and to have someone to share with...
Today was so hot I would have given anything to get to the riverside but was too busy. It was my cook's day off so I was the chief cook and bottle washer ;-( Don't get me wrong I love to cook and bake, but in this heat I don't feel like doing much of anything. I did get some pages done on my book and have editing to still do on my finished manuscript but with all the chores it's hard to find time plus I have to have some down time to read. My pile of books and my bookshelves are past the bursting point. My whole family snicker at "Mommie's books" and the covers, the amount of them... I just love to read, probably that's why I love to write. Hope I get published...
Mommie's books and Mommie's music are constant ways for the kids to find ways to tease me. It's funny, I'm coming around to full circle with stuff I listened to when I was younger, I listen to now and enjoy and my older ones do to :-) Though there are days I still listen to just classical .
Have a good day for those of you might read.


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