Mary's KampotCambodia blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Days here in Cambodia, Part 1

I'm often asked what my days are like, living here in Cambodia. Well frankly they are the same as they would be in the states but living in Cambodia gives it's own little twist.
If living in the states I find myself going to the grocery store but here my cook goes for me BUT I do enjoy going to the market, well except during rainy season and I hate the fish market. Morning time is best to go to the market, everything is alive then, there. You get the full effect of the sights, sounds and smells. We can't forget the smells. A mixture of whatever section you are in, plus garbage, and sewer...
I was at one of the neighborhood sellers the other day buying sugar. She the grandmotehr of my boy's Khmer Teacher. I was standing there watching as she picked things for the Monks who had come for an offering. She picked, dried packaged soup, pickels in a bag and cookies. Then offering with her hands outstretched she gave, then bowed for a blessing. They don't come to our house because we have a gate and are Christian's . I have given in the past and met funny looks from the monks after they gave a blessing. It's funny. They do come though for offerings for building schools which I give without reserve.
If in the states you have boys climbing trees, they do here too but the other day one of my little ones said as he came in, "Mommy, Rowe is up in the tallest coconut tree." We have one that goes at least 4 stories, can be seen for quiet a ways. I said as I ran to the front, "if he doesn't fall I'm gonna kill him myself." the kids all thought it was funny but I stood there waiting what seemed like a very long time, watching parent birds dive bomb him and him holding on. Rowe is 16 and from old Khmer Rouge stock, doesn't fear anything, well except worms and Duk-eyes and cobras... that's another story that I'll tell in my next blog. He managed to get down and looked at me sheepishly. I told him "Don't you ever do that again, you scared the life out of me..." he smiled his sweet, sly smile. Then said sorry. Turning he went to the outside table and took out three baby birds that he and his friends are now raising... Tim said " And Miss Bird lady stood there and let him???" I stuffed down a retort that I had about to say but said, "there wasn't much I could do since he was so far up and I was afraid one wrong move and he was dead..." he's done that before, brought home baby owls and the mother, to my delight then I make him go back and put them back in the nest. I do love owls though.

Grammy's Little boy

I took this picture a few days a go and just love this smile of his. He is one of the HAPPIEST babies I've had the pleasure of knowing and I've had quite a few on my own. He had been a way for two days and when He and Mean and Megan came back last night he cuddled with me which made me very happy. He has so many devoted followers here that it's hard to get him for a minute. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Apsara Dancers and rain...

Well we were watching on TV the Apsara dancers today. They are so beautiful and the music so haunting. They have usually just a few intruments, the xylophone , drums and flutes. My daughter has been taking this form of dance for four years now and was asked to perform before the King and Prime Minister 2 years back. We have a wonderful school here for teaching that dance plus the traditional music that goes along with it.
The rain has been so heavy as of late there has been no drying out. Just when I think we are going to have a break it pours, so loud you can't hear yourself think. The dogs howled because of it last night. Needless to say two nights of no sleep is wearing on me. It makes it hard to think, never mind write. I'm at the end of my manuscript and trying to tie things up is crucial. Last night it was so noisy because all the kids and family were in the house because of the rain so I put my MP3 player on and cranked on Daryl Hall so I could think. My son Brendan came and took out my ear plugs and said, "how can you think??? "I said " I was thinking fine till you bothered me. " I need the music to drown you all out :-) Then I stayed up till after 10pm reading a book by Laura Kinsale so by the time I went to bed I was really tired because the night before I got no sleep. Then as I was trying to fall asleep the rain came and the dogs began their chorus, which lasted most of the night. So when I got up this morning I was banging into walls, no kidding. I don't do 'No sleep' Too well.

Fog on Phnom Cam Chai, Kampot

Even in the rain the mountains across the river hold sway with me. At dusk if you look further up river you can see the different levels of the moutains etched in the various shades of grey. Still a beautiful sight.
This range of moutains along with Bokor to the left are part of the tail end of the Elephant Mountain range. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

Rain and rain and bugs and Hide and Seek

Well it's finally not raining. We've had so much rain, everything is wet and flooding is all over, even our house. :-(
I was talking with a NGO Project Manager today and the worry with all this rain and heat is Dengue so we are looking into getting packets that you put in the water tanks to get rid of the mosquitos.
With the roads so flooded I have been walking to get to places. I like the exercise as long as it's not pouring but today I took my bike. It can be dangerous though cause no one wants to get into the puddles, even the cars so everyone including me are in the middle of the road and then a car comes by and you either get soaked or you get out of the way so not to get hit. That's another fear. Cars think of nothing to run you off the road and will even hit you if you are in their way. They don't want to go in the pot holes or the puddles so if they have to run you off or hit you , well oh well... GGrrrrr It always happens and I tell the kids, both mine and my Khmer "be careful!"
It's been wonderful with even all this rain I haven't seen spiders. Usually with the rain the big spiders look for a way to get in... I hate them and even though I'm more used to them they still startle me. When we were watching the 3rd instalment of "Lord of the Rings" , "Return of the King"and the part where the giant spider is chaseing Frodo, well all my kids were watching me and howling. "Look at Mommy!!" The bigger ones Know pay day is coming. My Khmer boys love to tell Ghost stories and scare them selves silly and so one of these nights... We did that about a momth ago and you should have heard the screaming. With the stairs to the upstairs on the outside it can be tricky at best but my younger son , my Son-in-law and I were having a ball trying not to get caught and scaring the kids upstairs. The neighbors next door were enjoying it and whispering directions to various members of the family hoping someone would get caught. Also sending the dogs from both house holds into a frenzy...
Well what else can you do when it rains and you get bored... I love hide and seek :-)