Apsara Dancers and rain...
Well we were watching on TV the Apsara dancers today. They are so beautiful and the music so haunting. They have usually just a few intruments, the xylophone , drums and flutes. My daughter has been taking this form of dance for four years now and was asked to perform before the King and Prime Minister 2 years back. We have a wonderful school here for teaching that dance plus the traditional music that goes along with it.
The rain has been so heavy as of late there has been no drying out. Just when I think we are going to have a break it pours, so loud you can't hear yourself think. The dogs howled because of it last night. Needless to say two nights of no sleep is wearing on me. It makes it hard to think, never mind write. I'm at the end of my manuscript and trying to tie things up is crucial. Last night it was so noisy because all the kids and family were in the house because of the rain so I put my MP3 player on and cranked on Daryl Hall so I could think. My son Brendan came and took out my ear plugs and said, "how can you think??? "I said " I was thinking fine till you bothered me. " I need the music to drown you all out :-) Then I stayed up till after 10pm reading a book by Laura Kinsale so by the time I went to bed I was really tired because the night before I got no sleep. Then as I was trying to fall asleep the rain came and the dogs began their chorus, which lasted most of the night. So when I got up this morning I was banging into walls, no kidding. I don't do 'No sleep' Too well.
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