Mary's KampotCambodia blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

chasing butterflies in my bougainvillea

Chasing the butterflies has always been a hobby of mine and I happened to spy one lone one in my bush here yesterday. It was in between showers. We've been getting a lot of rain as of late. It makes it hard to get out and about on my bike so I was just standing and saw a butterfly just flitting about. I ran to get my camera but wasn't quick enough. When I got back he was gone.
With all the rain this bush and my jasmins aren't blooming as much.
With all the rain has brought the breezes which is a welcome respite to the heat that we've had. Also a protectant from the tiger mosquito. When we have hot rainy weather then more of a chance for Dengue which went through our family 3 years ago next month. My 20 year old daughter had to be air lifted to Bangkok because she started to bleed internally. So now we are more careful.
I was sitting today having lemond ade and date cake at Epic Art Cafe and the project manager was using a thing that looks like a Tennis racquet that kills flying insects. She was trying to kill the mosquitos hiding in the cafe. Better then the spray we have here that is enough to kill the people but the mosquitos stay and it seems enjoy... Another thing we have to watch out for is the tick borne spot typhus. Both have some of the same symptoms. With Dogs and the children I have to keep an eye out for both. Posted by Picasa


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