Mary's KampotCambodia blog

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Catching a boat ride

Well on my third trip out this morning, I took my daughter and her friend Tea. We walked till we got to one of the side streets near our house at the riverside and then as we got into water up to our knees and slogging through garbage and everything else we found a boat. The same one MaryKate had taken less then an hour before. So we secured the same price, 25 cents for each of us. We ended up taking an hour ride. We also picked up some hitchhikers but they paid their own way. After finding out we only wanted to stay by the river front they got out and went looking for a boat going to the market. I told the fisherman to go by our Sri Lankan friends place. Good thing we did. Our English friends were there and they wanted to hitch a ride to their house on the river to get some bricks to build up a wall at Lucky's to keep the water from seeping through any more.
We got there and back and then it decided to pour. We had five girls plus us three adults and the Cham Fisherman. So we were full and then one of the girls would giggle and the boat would go teetering.
We are having more rain so I'm afraid what it's gonna do to our house on the river side. We've done quite a bit of work to it since buying it. It had gone up about 6 inches after my 2nd trip.
Despite the rain this is the perfect time to go house hunting. You can see if they leak and what the yard is like. Ours is so flooded at the moment and the back is all flooding into the kitchen. It's disgusting to say the least. Since we'll be renting till we get all the work down on the river front homes we have no choise but to rent.


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