Mary's KampotCambodia blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

chasing butterflies in my bougainvillea

Chasing the butterflies has always been a hobby of mine and I happened to spy one lone one in my bush here yesterday. It was in between showers. We've been getting a lot of rain as of late. It makes it hard to get out and about on my bike so I was just standing and saw a butterfly just flitting about. I ran to get my camera but wasn't quick enough. When I got back he was gone.
With all the rain this bush and my jasmins aren't blooming as much.
With all the rain has brought the breezes which is a welcome respite to the heat that we've had. Also a protectant from the tiger mosquito. When we have hot rainy weather then more of a chance for Dengue which went through our family 3 years ago next month. My 20 year old daughter had to be air lifted to Bangkok because she started to bleed internally. So now we are more careful.
I was sitting today having lemond ade and date cake at Epic Art Cafe and the project manager was using a thing that looks like a Tennis racquet that kills flying insects. She was trying to kill the mosquitos hiding in the cafe. Better then the spray we have here that is enough to kill the people but the mosquitos stay and it seems enjoy... Another thing we have to watch out for is the tick borne spot typhus. Both have some of the same symptoms. With Dogs and the children I have to keep an eye out for both. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 25, 2006

One of the Duk-eyes

One of the many Duk-eyes ( because of the sound it makes at night) we have here. This one was about 6-8 inches in length and managed to get away. My Khmer Son Mong can catch them. I don't like these any more then the Khmer do. I like the tree lizards that live in my mango trees. The kids are always bringing them to me. These though I can do without... they aren't your harmless geykos or as we call here Ging-jaws. Posted by Picasa

My New neighbor and thoughts

One of my new neighbors. he's been hooting all afternoon. With the rain they have moved him and his mother under cover so now he likes to climbed on my banana trees and swing which is the cutest thing. he is much more friendly then the older one and loves to have the kids feed him.
It's been raining for two days straight, always starts in the afternoon so it makes us all scramble to rescue the clothes that might be dried or partially.
The internet, power and water have all worked off and on . More off then on which is a pain. Trying to do work is almost impossible on my computer. The thunder storms have been strong so I unplug everything. When the power goes out I turn on the generator which is in the building behind the houe. If the power were to go out at night and Mean weren't here well then it would be candle and flash-light time. I hate going in that building in the daylight. I had to to shut if off one time at night and even my Khmer boys weren't happy about going in there. It probably has numerous large lizards we call Duk-eyes, because of the sound they make, mostly at night. Snakes are another problem, mostly rat, which look like a cobra. We had those out at Un- Mong but yet to see them here in town. My son-in-law used to go out every time ( to protect me) I did, to check on the reason for the dogs barking but he's used to me now and can't prevent me from going out. one time when one of our other dogs who i got rid of attacked and killed one of cats i was out quick as a flash and only in my night gown. i could hear mean saying to Megan in hsuhed tones as i went by their bedroom "Can't you get your Mom to stay in the house at night, it's not safe. " She said who would go near her the way she's waving that Magi Flash light. As it turned out we lost that cat and I sent the dog via Mean's car to a fruit plantation the next morning.I'm not usually scared cause of my dogs, one being a 200 pound Bull mastiff named Samson, then I have a Khmer dog who really is just like a Austrailian Cattle Dog. She's been our loyal dog for 8 years now and very protective. Where most Khmer dogs do a lot of barking and run when someone comes she doesn't bark till needed and then charges and will put herself in-between the problem and you. I have 2 lap/house dogs and a granddaugter of my khmer dog. We have one cat who is the king of the whole house but owns my son Joe. Joe loves him. Actullay he has us all wrapped around his paws... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Jack Fruit

We happen to have one of these trees in our back yard garden. This happens to be the worlds largest fruit. This one is just a baby but I've seen them 24 inches long and wide. We just had one given to us from a family at Phnom Dong that was 12 inches long and wide.
Most of our family would love to have a Durrian tree which is another large fruit, the best being from this province. It has large spikes and when you are across the road from just a few durian you can smell them. It took me 8 years to get used to them and now I find I can't stand it if I am without.
There are many hotels in SouthEast Asia that ban Durian from being brought in. You either love it or hate it. Most of my family now loves it. We still have one hold out... Jack fruit like the one above isn't a problem though Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Well If I had a lot of time on my hands I would spend more time looking at the sunsets here or anywhere else. If you see my photos most of them are of kids(any kids) and sunsets. I think that is one of the nicest times of days and to have someone to share with...
Today was so hot I would have given anything to get to the riverside but was too busy. It was my cook's day off so I was the chief cook and bottle washer ;-( Don't get me wrong I love to cook and bake, but in this heat I don't feel like doing much of anything. I did get some pages done on my book and have editing to still do on my finished manuscript but with all the chores it's hard to find time plus I have to have some down time to read. My pile of books and my bookshelves are past the bursting point. My whole family snicker at "Mommie's books" and the covers, the amount of them... I just love to read, probably that's why I love to write. Hope I get published...
Mommie's books and Mommie's music are constant ways for the kids to find ways to tease me. It's funny, I'm coming around to full circle with stuff I listened to when I was younger, I listen to now and enjoy and my older ones do to :-) Though there are days I still listen to just classical .
Have a good day for those of you might read.